During Worship on December 18

On Sunday, December 18, during 10:15 a.m. worship, the Sanctuary Choir will be presenting Daniel Pinkham's Christmas Cantata!

Daniel Pinkham (1923-2006) had a long and distinguished career as a performer, composer and teacher. His 1957 Christmas Cantata remains one of his most popular works and is one in which his synthesis of early music and contemporary styles is clearly evident. The Latin texts are taken from the traditional responses from the Christmas masses and are set for three equal ensembles: chorus, brass choir and organ. The first movement opens with a rather declamatory statement (“Shepherds, what have you seen? Tell us!”) before moving into a dance-like section of ever shifting meters and syncopated rhythms. The second movement features an arched melody which is passed antiphonally between the two instrumental choirs, over which is spun a long, dreamy choral line set mostly for women’s voices. The final movement is an extended crescendo of continually shifting tonalities, with verses taken from Psalm 100 alternating with the chorus the angels sang to the shepherds, “Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth to men of good will.”

The Christmas Cantata will feature Bill Crouch on organ, area professionals playing in the brass quartet, and the voices of the UCCIC Choir under the direction of Dr. Christopher Nakielski.