Our always popular and often challenging adult education group gathers for a new year on September 9. Join us in Rockwood Hall any Sunday or every Sunday for timely, intelligent, and insightful conversation about a variety of topics.

We'll begin this season with some updates.

On September 9, Nicole Novak and Isabella Reyes from the Eastern Iowa Community Bond Project will talk about the work they have been doing since last spring. At its May meeting, our Church Council approved providing $5,000 from our Engagement Fund to the Eastern Iowa Community Bond Project. The Engagement Fund was the result of a significant gift a few years ago that was given so that our church should feel free to use for any initiatives that will enhance our presence in the community through our service to it, both ‘community’ and ‘service’ broadly defined.” To this money, we were able to add $2,000 from the Iowa Conference of the United Church of Christ. Last December our Mission Board asked the Conference for a grant from their Thank Offering Fund, also to be used for the Bond Project.

On September 16, Tammy Shull from Iowa WINs (Iowa Welcomes Its Neighbors) will discuss their work with families affected by the Mt. Pleasant ICE raid. During worship on Sunday, May 20, Congregational UCC received a special offering to provide funds to help provide basic human needs for families affected by this raid. Members and friends gave $2,000 to support this effort.

On September 23, Kaily Hoard from Shelter House will talk about the new and continuing programs they offer. We’ve had a long relationship with Shelter House, but it has been awhile since we’ve heard from them. This will be a great opportunity to get up to date.

And to conclude the month, on September 30 we will begin a five session Bile study, Faith vs. Fear: A Faith Response to Gun Violence. The authors of this UCC study include the Rev. Matthew Crebbin, Senior Minister of the Newtown Congregational Church in Newtown, CT.