Join us for online worship on Sunday, April 18, at 10:15 a.m. at

You can view and download the bulletin here.


Each year as spring arrives and we mark not only resurrection but also the rebirth of the natural world—with its own deep religious significance—we come to what has been known for over half a century now as Earth Day.

What causes us to worry—at least as Earth Day approaches—is the threat to the Earth and to us and to all living things that is posed by climate change. I don’t need to present the facts to this congregation—you know them. I don’t need to expend words or breath to convince you that climate change is real, that is it caused by human action and that it is sustained by human inaction. You know that and you know that year after year the situation keeps getting worse.

So, on this Sunday before Earth Day, I wonder what can be said to you that you don’t already know, that you haven’t heard from this pulpit countless times, that you haven’t read about or heard about on the radio or seen on TV.

We are somewhere in this middle ground between individual action that is not enough on its own and large-scale global efforts over which we have little, if any, control or influence. And while this might seem at first to be a difficult and unenviable place to be, in just this place we can begin to see the resources and power that faith provides for us as we continue to address the very real problems we face in an increasingly dangerous situation.

SCRIPTURE LESSONS: Genesis 2:4a-15; John 20:19-23

SERMON       “The Care of Creation and the New Creation”

The Rev. Bill Lovin preaching


ANTHEM                   “Be Still and Know That I Am God”             Ralph M. Johnson

                                    LaBarrin Wallace, English Horn

                                    Danielle Bridges, Avery Nabholz, Josh Ramseyer, Colin Wilson                


No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome to join us online.