Join Us for Worship

Somewhere, Marilynne Robinson once wrote; “I don’t know anyone who doesn’t enjoy a good sermon.” This morning, as we continue to follow Paul around the Mediterranean, however, we hear of a sermon that probably went on a little to long. The story ends well. And it invites us to think about our weekly gatherings and the strength that we both give and get when we meet.

As a congregation, we understand the importance of our efforts to care for creation, to curb gun violence, to root out the racism that grows so deeply, to affirm all people in their sexual orientation. We are committed to welcoming the stranger, sheltering the homeless, feeding the hungry. We will continue to direct our energy, our resources, and our time toward these and other concrete expressions of the love of God in the world. We will follow the advice of the prophet, seeking justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God.

But this—our simple and profound gathering on the first day of the week, our coming together on the day of resurrection—this is what equips us for doing everything else. So, do yourself a favor and be a part of worship this Sunday.

Scripture Lessons: Acts 20:1-6; Acts 20:7-12

Sermon: "What Sunday Offers"

The Rev. William Lovin preaching

SOLO             “If God Be for Us”                 G.F. Handel

                        Teresa Treat



No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.