Join us for in person worship on Sunday, September 26, at 10:15 a.m.

The video of Sunday’s worship service will be posted on Sunday afternoon at

You can view and download the bulletin here.


Last Sunday I started a series of sermons exploring how we might talk with people with whom we disagree, exploring the possibilities that arise in some of the stories of Jesus. Today we hear a story about both the difficulty and the importance of listening.

Now, as I started reflecting on conflict and conversation, it occurred to me that you don’t want to get into an argument with two different kinds of people—at least two.

The first are those who are so convinced they are right that nothing will change their mind—nothing! There are some religious people like that—on both the left and the right. And there are some politically minded people like that—on both the left and the right. You probably know some people like this. Adherents of conspiracy theories are especially problematic in that they are skilled at turning any evidence contrary to their opinion into proof that their opinion is correct.

Avoid them—or rather, avoid arguing with them. You will get nowhere.

You might also want to avoid people who are so good at making their argument that they win every time! That’s never any fun! Jesus might have been thinking this about half-way through his encounter with an unnamed Caananite woman.

This is a troubling story. Through it we might learn the importance of listening to someone we don’t want to listen to so that we might hear something we don’t want to hear.

SCRIPTURE LESSONS: Isaiah 56:1, 6-8; Matthew 15:21-8

SERMON       “Listen Up”

The Rev. Bill Lovin preaching

ANTHEM       "God Is Faithful"       Walter L. Pelz


No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.