WORSHIP WITH US on Sunday, February 2, at 10:15 a.m.
You can join us online in real time at
https://vimeo.com/event/1424751. This streaming address is the same each week.
The video of Sunday’s worship service will be posted after worship at https://vimeo.com/channels/1547852.
You can view and download the bulletin here.
Today is a communion Sunday. If you are joining us online, you are invited to get whatever you eat and whatever you drink before the beginning of worship. It can be bread and grape juice or wine or as simple as a cracker or rice cake and water for use in our worship.
The beginning of a new year.
The beginning of a new semester.
The beginning of a new legislative session in Iowa.
The beginning of a new presidency.
Rabbi Ishmael taught in the Talmud: “All beginnings are difficult.”
They are.
In the middle of the week, someone asked me: “What’s going on?”
I don’t think he was really asking for my expert assessment of the situation—I certainly hope not—because in the difficulty of beginnings, it’s always hard to say.
If I can speak personally for a moment, I will say that preaching in these days of new beginnings is difficult for me. I don’t want to make everything about politics. So it seemed good to me to choose to center my preaching this month before the beginning of Lent on the stories about the beginning of the ministry of Jesus. It seemed good to walk along with Jesus as he preaches and calls followers and heals. It seemed that it would be an easy, comforting walk.
Scripture Lessons: Amos 7:10-15; Luke 4:16-30
Sermon: “All Beginnings Are Difficult”
The Rev. Bill Lovin preaching
Anthem "Thee, Lord, Would I Serve” Mark Bender
No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.