Join Us for Worship

The runaway hit movie of the summer is Won’t You Be My Neighbor?—the documentary about a Presbyterian minister: the Rev. Fred Rogers, better known, of course, as Mister Rogers. It’s being shown to sold-out crowds over at Film Scene.

People are saying that in this summer of animosity and incivility and, well, hatred—Fred Rogers is a needed and welcome reminder of the power of love. In this summer when lines are being drawn, when families are being separated, when children are being kept in cages, Mister Rogers once again invites all of us to see the beauty in each person and to love our neighbors.

But the question keeps coming up: “Who is my neighbor?”

We’ll listen once again to a familiar story as Jesus tries to answer that.

SCRIPTURE LESSONS          Deuteronomy 30:9-14; Luke 10:25-37

SERMON:      “Be a Neighbor, Love Your Neighbor”

The Rev. William Lovin preaching

Solo     “Precious Lord”          Jeanne Bonde, solist

ELEVATOR UPDATE: Construction has started and the elevator will not be available through August. While we will worship in the sanctuary, a worship area will be set up in Rockwood Hall for everyone who is unable to get upstairs.

No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.

Love Thy Neighbor