Join Us for Worship

At the end of the Gospel of Luke, the risen Christ tells his followers, “Stay in the city.” We’re not biblical literalists, but we seem to take these words on their face value. At a time when other congregations have left downtown Iowa City, we are still here “on this corner in this community.” Parking is not and will not be easy. But opportunities for mission and ministry abound. As one of the few liberal Christian churches in this area let us consider the tasks set before us.

During worship we will welcome four new members into our congregation. We will also give thanks for the ministry of Patte Henderson who is retiring as our Director of Children’s Programs.

Scripture Lessons: Isaiah 58:6-12, Luke 24:36-49

Sermon: “Staying in the City”

The Rev. William Lovin preaching

Anthem:          “O Day of Peace”                   Carl Daw/C.H.H. Parry