Join Us for Worship--Thanksgiving Sunday

Always rejoice.

Without ceasing, pray.

In all circumstances, give thanks.

Once again, we come up against the extremism of Paul.

And we would beg to differ.

When life is good, rejoice.

When you have the time, pray.

When you get what you want, give thanks.

Much more sensible; much more realistic, don’t you think?

And yet, as those who seek to follow in the ways of Jesus Christ, known and to be made known to us, we are called to look toward and prepare for a new world, a new way of life.

As Thanksgiving approaches, we’ll see if we can make some sense out of Paul’s approach.


SCRIPTURE LESSONS:       Joel 2:21-29; I Thessalonians 5:12-28

SERMON:      “Three Suggestions for the Week Ahead”

The Rev. William Lovin preaching

ANTHEM:      “Pilgrims’ Hymn”       Stephen Paulus


No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here.