Join Us for Worship

On this Labor Day weekend, we will reflect on the mystery and the meaning of work, to think about the work that we do and the lives we live. For good or bad, so much of “who we are” is wrapped up in “what we do.” All of our actions reveal something of our inner mystery, perhaps none more than our work. “Do your work,” Thoreau said, “And I will know you.”

We work to make a living. As we work, we are also making a life.

So, this weekend the questions come: Does your work bring life to yourself, to others? What do you do—what do want to do—that stirs up life, hope, and dreams in yourself and in those around you?

The Bible does not give us specific answers to problems of 21st century work and vocation, neatly laid out for us. But it does point in some helpful directions. And it's good to hear the mixed voices of scripture as they reflect on work. As it does with the other parts of our lives, Scripture shines a new light on our work.

We will also celebrate the sacrament of communion during worship.

Scripture Lessons: Ecclesiastes 3:9-15; John 21:1-8

Sermon: Making a Living, Making a Life

The Rev. William Lovin preaching

SOLO             “I Will Sing a New Song of Gladness”          Anton Dvořák

                        Sarah Fairfield